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Urge is a horror/ suspense film due to be available to watch in June 2014.



The Burton's seems like the perfect family. So perfect in fact, that they catch the sinister gaze of a serial killer named Diana; A psychotic and even sometimes ruthless family slaughterer, who has a warped sense of reality and family love. The Burton's are Diana's target, and she will never stop until her Urge is satisfied.

Our Current Production



Kayla Anderson as Diana

Maxwell Korn as Jim

Carla Stanley as Natalie

Lori Lail Marette as Grandma

Hannah Jones as Jenny

Rebecca Wapner as Chloe

Craig Newkirk as Ron

Miles Stahl as Miles

Nezihel Delgado as Bully #1

Jared Delgado as Bully #2

Twistedhawk Productions

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